
There are two categories of concern in Open Oracle Origami Architecture.

  1. Off-chain

  2. On-chain

Off-chain Architecture

Think of the off-chain architecture as the brains of the oracle. Simply put, origami data is aggregated and signed by one or more curators and only then delivered on-chain through transaction submission.

Origami Curators can operate in solo mode by default or configure their curator node to take part in full blown consensus via Collab. Collab is a configureable protocol soon to be available in the SDKs.

A curator consists of any combination of mill(s), workshop(s) and museum(s). At minimum, there must be one of each for a curator to properly function.

In a nutshell:

Mills press Paper -> Workshops assemble Origami -> Museums curate Collections

Our framework is designed so that each mill, workshop and museum can run on different physical units as separate daemons or all together in one. The choice is yours and depends on your deployment requirements.

On-chain Architecture

Think of the on-chain architecture as the data storage of the oracle. Simply put, origami data is received from the curators and stored in a smart contract for further archival and retrieval.

Shibuya, Museum and Collection are the three primary smart contracts in each deployment of Origami.

Shibuya Smart Contract

Similar to the crossing, Shibuya serves as a Factory pattern by creating and keeping track of all Museums. Any one can create and manage a Museum in Shibuya, they become the owner of the Museum upon creation. Museum ownership can be transferred at any time by the current owner.

Museum Smart Contract

The museum contract is owned by a Curator when in solo mode and owned by the network of Curators when running Collab. This contract allows for the creation of new collections and also includes all of the features you'd expect to manage subscriptions, payments and allow for access to each collection of the museum.

Collection Smart Contract

This is the final contract and it's used as the storage unit for each collection of Origami data. A collection contract can be attached to a maximum of 10 museums and any subscriber of any one of those museums will have visitation rights to the collection. This modularity gives you the ability to structure museums and their collections in more desireable ways. Think... Silver, Gold, Platinum etc...

If you are adding your Origami Data Feed to the Origami Market then these contracts will already be deployed and maintained by the Open Oracle Origami Foundation. You'll simply just need to interact with them.

In a nutshell:

Shibuya manages Museums -> Museums manage Collections -> Collections manage Origami

Last updated